bamboo forest

Interesting Bamboo Facts

Bamboo is a flowering plant, which is a member of the family Poaceae (grasses).

Bamboo species number close to 1500 that are found in Sub-Saharan Africa, North and South America, Australia, as well as Asia. Bamboo typically grows under different climate conditions and on different attitudes, but the tropical climate is what it prefers most.

Bamboo is one of the most exploited plants on Earth primarily because it does not require too much of an effort to cultivate it. Besides the low maintenance cost, bamboo has numerous applications. It can be used in the construction industry, medicine, to produce woody projects of different kinds, or even as an ingredient in many delicious meals.

bamboo forest canopy

Interesting Facts About Bamboo

  • – The size of bamboo depends on the species. Largest bamboo species can reach a height of up to 1300 feet.
  • – Bamboo grows either as a tall, woody plant or a shorter, herbaceous plant.
  • – Individual bamboo stems are referred to as culms that arise from underground rhizomes and subsequently emerge from the ground while fully developed.
  • – Bamboo flowers are hardly ever seen. Some bamboo species develop flowers after 65 or even 120 years. One interesting fact about the flowering of bamboo is that all the plants of a particular bamboo species develop flowers at the same time irrespective of their location in the world.
  • – Besides developing from rhizomes, bamboo can also develop from seeds that are arranged in clusters at the end of branches.
  • – The quickest growing plant on Earth is bamboo. It can actually grow 3 feet in height within 24 hours under the right climate conditions. It reaches maturity after only 3 to 5 years unlike other woody plants.
  • – Bamboo absorbs more carbon dioxide and releases 30 percent more oxygen into the atmosphere compared to other plants. Due to these features, bamboo contributes significantly to the reduction in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere thus cleaning the air.
  • – Bamboo doesn’t actually require fertilizers for optimal growth. Discarded bamboo leaves provide all the necessary nutrients once they start decomposing.
  • – Bamboo has a strong and wide root system that holds the soil stable thus preventing erosion of the ground.
  • – Bamboo is regularly used in Asian cuisine. It can be consumed in the form of a soup or served as a salad.
  • – Young bamboo shoots contain taxiphyllin, which is a toxin. Due to this reason, bamboo should be cooked before consumption because high temperatures destroy the toxin.
  • – Various animals on Earth use bamboo in their diet. The diet of a panda is based exclusively on bamboo while the mountain gorillas and Madagascan lemurs consume bamboo to enrich their regular diet.
  • – Bamboo is used in folk medicine for treating infections as well as accelerating wound healing.
  • – Bamboo has stronger structure than still and is regularly used in the building industry. Besides that, bamboo is used to manufacture furniture, floors, house walls, helmets, bicycle frames, and even skateboards.
  • – In the wild bamboo can survive over 120 years.

Interested in growing your own bamboo plants? Read more …

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